Friday, July 22, 2016

July means vacation~by Beth

We did a lot of travel this month.  I will have to break it up into different posts.
We began by visiting Nathan, Hannah and the three little girls in Texas.  We arrived the weekend before Independence day.  On Sunday we had Emma's catechization.  Hannah made a wrist corsage for Emma and then made a beautiful arrangement with the remaining flowers.  She is amazing.  Emma did a wonderful job with memorizing her questions.  Here are some photos.

Another amazing Hannah creation-the cake

Katie took us to her gym to play around.  We had lots of fun there too.

On Monday it was the 4th.  The day began by going to the Irving Parade.

This day began as a really fun day.  Later we stopped at the best thrift store before getting home.  But what happened in the afternoon would change our stay and the direction of our son David.

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