Saturday, July 23, 2016

Fun in Texas in July 2016~by Beth

Since Katie works at a gym we were able to again go have some fun playing there.  Though I took a bunch of photos, only this one came out decently.
 On Thursday of our visit we went to the Aquatics Center.  It is only 2 miles from Nathan's house so we felt safe leaving David home alone, with cell phones.  All  was fine.  So the next day on Friday we did some other fun things, such as visit the Ft Worth Stockyards.

Twice a day the Longhorns are driven up the main street.

"Howdy Partner"

Stephen sneeks the gun

Abigail, Stephen and Johanna in the visitor building
Later that day we drove over to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and saw how money is made.  We learned a lot.  But, we were prohibited by federal law to bring in phones or camera's so I don't have any photos.  It would be great to go back there again some day.

Before we left on our fun day I took Katie to the air port to fly to Minnesota for our niece Sophia's wedding.  Here she is with the lovely bride.

The night before we left for our next adventure all the children got free slurpees since it was 7/11

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