Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ark Encounter July 13, 2016~by Beth

On July 12th we had two cars caravan to Williamstown, Kentucky.  Jon and I had our youngest 7 children divided up into two cars, and our son Zach drove his car.  Our daughter Katie joined us along with our oldest granddaughter Lydia, age 5.  We stayed in a motel that night then drove to the Ark Encounter the next day.  My mom drove down from Ohio to meet us there.  The whole thing was fabulous.  It is about 85% done, but the exhibits are complete.  Here are just a few of the many photos I took.
In the car on the way to Kentucky


Mom and Beth

The art work was stunning all over the Ark Encounter

Abigail and Johanna try to open the big door

We got to our second hotel that evening and checked in.  After that we all went out to dinner.  With coupons and gift cards all 13 of us ate for $3.  Fun times.  The next morning we would head to the Creation Museum.