Friday, May 8, 2020

May, and finishing up school with some projects~by Beth

We celebrated Charity's 20th birthday this month.  We now have 6 of our children in their 20s.
We have been trying out some activities for a character curriculum that is being produced.  We had some for creativity that involved using shapes or dots on a page and making pictures out of them.  My children so often amaze me with their abilities, especially when they draw.  The first three pictures the children had a triangle, a circle and three lines to draw from.
Emma's.  She had just finished biology and it shows in what she drew.

Johanna's. So creative.

Abigail's.  Such talent.

Stephen's hourglass using random dots he drew.

Johanna's dot picture

Abigail's dot picture

Emma's dot picture

We also tried our hand at sewing.  I wanted the girls to learn to sew but the tension on my machine is not working properly.  So, I ordered one from Joann Fabric.  It arrived only a few days later.  I spent some time showing them all the workings of the sewing machine.  Then we tried sewing on scrap.  Our first project was to sew masks.  Here are some photos of their progress.

Stevie is also learning to sew.

Johanna learning to use the cutting wheel, mat and acrylic ruler.

scraps we used to learn to cut on the grain and sew a seam.

Our first day's work

Johanna made several more masks with her own pattern

Johanna finished first.  She spent 4-5 hours sewing after we quit for the day.

They all made their own masks (though Stephen had help and Johanna finished it for him)


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