Sunday, December 13, 2015

November 2015~by Beth

November tends to be about celebrating Thanksgiving.  We had a lot to look forward to this month. Early in the month we traveled over to Miami, twice.  First was for Johanna's Surgery Reunion banquet.  We had 4 tickets to use, so Hannie chose Abigail to come with us.  We had dinner and a short program in the Tree Top Ballroom.  Then we had tickets for Jungle Island right next door.  It was so much fun and a great celebration of what the Brain Institute at Miami Children's Hospital has accomplished in 30 years of doing surgery on children.  It was also almost one year since Johanna had her brain surgery.

Outside the ballroom looking at the cruise ships on the water in Miami

gifts from Miami Children's Hospital

Our beloved Dr. Hyslop with Johanna

Five days later Johanna and I traveled to Miami again for her one year check up.  She did great and is starting her final weaning off of medication.  It will take 6 months in all.  Jonathan and the rest of the family headed to Ft Pierce for the volleyball state championship.  Johanna and I drove up the coast after her appointment in Miami, missing only chapel and one game.

 On Thanksgiving morning 4 of the children ran in the annual 5k Turkey Trot.  Here they are with some friends.

Johanna and Abigail's first 5k

Christiana on the last leg of the race.

Johanna and Abigail nearing the finish.
 After we got home and cleaned up, it was time to take our family photos.  Just looking at this photo reminds us of how much we have for which to be thankful to God.

The day after Thanksgiving we took the whole crew swimming.  David was house sitting again so we were able to use our friends' pool.  The highlight, besides having fun with all the little people, was the water gun fight between Nathan and his dad.  I have some funny videos of those.
Jon and Stephen

Christiana and Lydia


Nathan nails Stephen

Stephen and Lydia by the fish pool

Audrey learned to swim,  Christiana and Sophia

Audrey bear

Nathan in his element
November ends with the first Sunday in Advent.  Here is Stephen lighting the first Advent candle.

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