Friday, May 7, 2010

On the shore of Galilee~by Beth

Time seems to fly. I just returned from my trip with my mom to Israel. It was great!!! We had a great time, saw some amazing places and met some really wonderful people. Every day we had some sort of devotion and singing, and everywhere we went we had a meditation lead by a pastor. It makes the places in the Bible come alive. I also learned a lot of new Hebrew phrases. I plan to try to practice them so I won't forget them. The first three days were spent in the Galilee area. Near St Peter's Church we went down to walk along the Lake of Galilee (that was after an amazing boat ride and worship time earlier that day). I showed the children the rocks and shells that I collected there. Doesn't this photo just make you want to splash your feet? I have other photos that I hope to post at some point.

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