Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Johanna starts school~by Beth

After many months of waiting until the new school year began, Johanna has finally started kinder- garten. She has been eagerly looking forward to this day, and it couldn't arrive fast enough. The photo is of her getting her pencil box the day before she began school. We had a great two days so far. She is so smart and quick as lightning to catch on. Teaching her will be easier than the previous student who I think is a bit dyslexic. We rearranged desks and places that we kept some school work. Joel will begin college next month, though he already has 40 some credits. Caleb will be joining him as a dual enrolled student. Zach and Caleb will be taking a co-op world history class this year. This summer they are taking an intensive American government class that just began today. David will be taking a physical science co-op class too, Lord willing. I hope I find the books that I need at our used curriculum sale this weekend. Oh, and it looks like Jon will have his math job at the Christian school this fall. So, all in all it has been a good week. We have gone back to having our wisdom search first thing before breakfast and are trying to put the Lord first in our day and our lives. Praying that we keep on track.
My next post will have to tell about Nathan's engagement this past weekend. Sorry, you will have to wait till next time.

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