Tuesday, January 20, 2009

He's crawling at 6 months!-by Beth

I can't believe how rapidly Stephen has passed out of infant to baby. He is always practicing all his newly acquired skills. He just last week learned to sit up from the floor. I had been thinking on the weekend that we had better move his crib mattress down since he was getting more mobile. Jon had Monday off, but we did not have time to do that before we left for the boys' basketball game (which they won--Joel was high scorer with 17 points). When we put him to bed that night he pulled himself to standing in the crib and was crying because he was stuck!! We were so surprised. The next day, today, I was out with two girls to the dentist and a couple errands. I came home and Katie had Stephen on the floor and said "Look Mom, he can crawl!" I couldn't believe it! Three big milestones in less than one week. I have never had a baby crawl at 6.5 months. I wonder when he will walk. We only started using the walker about a month ago and he has figured out how to get around in it. Well, time to take the boys to basketball practice. Stephen turns 7 months next week so I will take his picture then.

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