Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Thankless Job

Have you ever thought about the fact that you have clean clothes in your dresser drawers, or ironed shirts in your closet? Where do these come from? Do they just appear out of nowhere? The answer is an obvious, "No." Instead, they come from the person who labors hard several times a week to clean those dirty clothes you hopefully threw into the hamper. That person in our family is my lovely wife, Beth. She dutifully and consistently washes clothes on Tuesdays and Fridays, with some other days thrown in when a mess is made mid-week or on the weekend. She sorts and washes them. Afterwards, they usually go out on the clothes line for drying in order to conserve energy and save money. Besides, they smell better when they are air dried. Then the clean clothes make their way to our bedroom where she folds them and puts them in piles for each child and parent.

Now, she does get help from the boys in hanging out the laundry, and Caleb usually is the one to iron the shirts. But for the most part it's "Mom's job." It doesn't normally get recognized, but is a vital part of everyday life in our home. This post is written to say a special "thank you" to her for all of her labor of love, even the unnoticed stuff.


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